I made this quilt for my mom who does look in from time to time, but never comments (hi mom!) so I had to wait till she got the early Christmas present before posting too much about it. It started out as a table runner last year (see strips used in backing.. that's about as far as I got). At the time I had not yet graduated to anything larger and found a pattern on Moda Bake Shop for the two charm packs of The Caroler by Mary Engelbreit. I lost interest in the project and it got packed away with my other Christmas fabrics for projects in the coming year.

When I unpacked in the fall in preparation for getting started on holiday projects I was pretty sure I didn't want to make the table runner... Then it occurred to my that the bright strong colors might appeal to my mom. I got lucky when I found that the LQS had a couple of the prints still in stock for the border and backing and the solid is a Kona favorite, papaya.
It was a windy cloudy day when I took the pictures so there are ripples where the wind caught it. When I tried to use the swing as a prop, well, that didn't work well as the wind started rocking the swing.
What a sweet quilt! I know your mother will enjoy using it!