Finally, something that is completed to share for
Sew & Tell.
The fishies disappearing nine patch was stalled for awhile, but is now completed. You may recognize this fabric as the super duper buy that I got at a
yard sale this spring. The top came together quickly, but then the project was stalled when my Bernina which is the only machine I have a darning foot for decided it needed a vacation at the repair shop.

Meanwhile, while stopping at a yard sale down the street I found this chair ... for $1 (about what it is worth, right).... There were two, and the guy was going to give them both to me for that price, but I only wanted one ... I know, what was I thinking. In the back of my mind was this..... the cute little chair that is in Cheryl's blog header.

I still have not done anything with the chair, but the quilt is done, and I think it matched pretty well and works as a nice staging prop to show off the completed project. Much better than the fence.

Stats for Fishies: measures 38 x46, Beach Party by Laurie Godin from Northcott fabric, misc from stash, binding is Michael Miller orange clown stripes.