I am going to link up with Judy's 2012 UFO Challenge!
Here are my 12 UFO's:
2. Chubby Stars: This one is TracyJay's quilt along that I started August 2010... ugh... The little chain squares are all cut of else I would have re purposed the fabric awhile ago. A finish on this one will be either completing it or re-using the parts for some thing else.
4. American Jane blocks: Also started last spring, this is all American Jane fabrics from different lines that I have about 1/2 the blocks done.
DONE 5.D9P Leaf: I tried to get this done this fall, it was a carry over from the past fall, but it got pushed aside when Christmas projects popped up. - DONE
6. 36 patch: This is Crazy Moms quilt along from this summer that I need more blocks completed to make into anything.
7. 1/2 Square Triangles: I started this with plans to do 5 blocks per day and be done in a month... yep, that worked out well.
DONE 8. This pattern was going around this fall for Kids Charities. I got one cut and started, but that's as far as it got before Christmas project got started. - DONE
9. New Wave: Oh Fransson pattern that I started last year and got as far as cutting it out.
12. Hope Valley QAL: last.... this was Crazy Mom Quilts Round and Round QAL that I ran out of gas on... round and round, and I didn't want to make a twin, I wanted it bigger, so I need to review and get it done.
Bonus: This Quilt Along was started in Feb 2010, but I am not sure when I joined in. I long since decided this was a life long project, but I would like to make some progress.
So, that's my 12 UFO's, plus a bonus project. One trend I see is there are a lot of QAL on this list... I get suckered into the group project then lose interest since it was not my vision. This year I need to watch that trend.... but I am excited about some coming up in January that I have seen sneak peaks for.
I enjoyed seeing all your projects and checking out the links. I think we are alike in that we both like to join quilt alongs!!! I could list several UFOs of my own that are from quilt alongs I joined--all because I had to jump in! If we could tell the whole blog world..."no more quilt alongs until we get these finished!!" then maybe we could catch up! LOL!