I had some free time today while waiting for an appliance repair man and cut out my quilt along blocks. This is a 3x5 block segment
layed out on my cutting table. I found that the wonky angle is not as
exaggerated when the blocks are together, so if I do one again I may go for more
exaggerations. I don't think I will be able to sew the blocks together till the new years (unless I sneak in tonight) but I already have some accent blocks for the backing planned using some leftover 3 to 6 inch strip segments.

Now that I am done with
Christmas sewing I gathered up my scraps and leftovers and came up with the following pile that I am, to tell the truth, sick of! I overworked some of these with the
goodie bags, the table runners, and just having them out looking at me every day for the last 2 months.
If you would like an early start on your projects for next year and any of these
appeal to you, I'm giving them away. There are a couple 'fat 1/8' (18" x10") but most are more like 5x10.
Leave me a comment and let me know if you like traditional (deep green and
burgundy)or bright
Christmas fabric and if the pile gets big enough I will divide into two.
Who knows, maybe you are all tired of looking at
Christmas fabric to, but I will take the comments I have and send out what I have gathered to an interested party after the first of the year.
(give away completed - Pokey won!)
I am going to try to get a Friday post in, but that will be it till after New Year's so Merry Christmas everyone!