I decided I had to have it, and ordered the kit from her web site. It is the velveteen and the voile from Innocent crush....yum.

I loved it with my cardigan sweaters and decided I had some yarn hanging around, I would knit one, of course in grey which I love, and then in a deep red which is not showing well in the picture.
I really wanted another velveteen, but could not stomach the price since 2 yards of each the focus and backing are required. If I had a need for 4 identical scarves that would be something different, but to do the math, on a good day the AMH is $20 and $15 per yard.... yep, you see where I am going....ka-ching for a scarf. The kits are $25 but the other color combo's available did not appeal to me.

So, while at Hancock's I saw the solid cotton velveteen in a burgundy color that I matched a sweater. When I took it home I found that I did not have 2 yards of anything in my stash that matched, but this AMH Garden Party print looked great with it and I knew where I could get more... dirt cheap... so I hopped in the car drove to the seedy side of Dallas where the warehouse fabric stores are and got 2 yards for .... uhm $6.50 including tax. The velveteen was on sale, 10.99 less 40%, so that @ $14 for two yards including tax, so I got what I wanted, another scarf, and did not blow my budget, and can make 3 more scarfs if I wanted to.... maybe my Facebook Pay-it-forward buddies?
A note on the scarfs: The AMH kit is cut 18" by 72". I draped the fabric and thought it was too full and decided to cut down to 13". This worked out great because after I pre-washed the fabric the voile was barely 15". I don't know if this was all shrinkage, or if it was cut small to begin with since I didn't measure before pre-washing. Since I was using a 'normal' cotton rather than voile for the solid scarf, I was afraid it would add to the bulk and cut it 11". This turned out perfect (scarf is now done, completed since I took pictures this morning and got this post done, but am too lazy to include new picture).

edit : I am linking to Sarah Craig's new Friday linky party.
Please take a look at her post today that details how her quilt ministry was able to bless a sick little girl and my small part of this "Only God" story.