I think it is safe to say that if you are reading this blog, you have a weakness for fabric...

I shared this picture before, it is about 1/2 of the fabric that I managed to add to my stash during my recent 4 week/6000 mile road trip.

What I didn't admit to was the books that I also brought home....I justified it in that since I was not able to sew I could browse the books for inspiration...

Has anyone noticed just how many new quilting books there are out there, a lot of them based on popular blogs? I have bought most of them and to tell the truth, I wonder why.

Most of these books are a collection of simple patterns, many of them standards that can be found in tutorials online, but, they are nice eye candy and I continue to buy them, and have even made a couple quilts from them.

Little Man (modified larger) from Simplify and Valentine from Practical Guild ... pattern also in Fabric Treats and can be found with a simple search of String Quilt.

I have a long history of buying the books, I started with them 'in the day" before the Internet put everything at out finger tips. My first quilt was the Log Cabin made over 15 years ago via the Quilt in a Day method.

And this quilt took way more then a day.... to my recollection this was 10 years in the making.... and the new project that I want to get started next week will be based on inspiration from a book as well.....
So, what do you think.... what is the allure of the book format that are costly (these each are priced in the $20+ range) when the info is so readily available online. I can't be the only one buying these because they keep publishing these books.