Monday, October 31, 2011

Anna Maria Horner quilt

Its done, with binding and everything! This quilt is a Disappearing Nine Patch using fabrics from 5 different lines from Anna Maria Horner.

The backing is blocks of Konna from the colors used on the quilt as well as a length of a print, Dance Floor from the Garden Party line.

I quilted it with an all over meander using a medium grey thread. I think that grey works on almost any quilt and is my go-to thread.... reminder, I need more....

Its now ready to package for the mail to be delivered to a newly married couple... its a couple months late, but... Emily Post assures me that anytime with in a year is appropriate for a wedding gift.


  1. it's a beautiful quilt, i am sure they will love it. It's great that all her fabrics work so perfectly together.

  2. Beautiful! I'm sure the couple will love it!

  3. This is really beautiful! I love Anna Maria Horner fabrics.

  4. Those beautiful AMH prints make for a lovely rich looking quilt. Nice job Diane!

  5. It's beautiful! and such a sweet wedding gift!

  6. It's gorgeous, Diana! Love all the colors, and I agree with you about grey thread - it's so versatile!

  7. Beautiful quilt Diane - love AMH fabrics!!

  8. BEAUTIFUL! And I'm with you on the gray thread! :) Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a great week!
