Making this list was easy since I just took last years list and added some status updates. The good news is that I was able to remove 5 from the original list that I completed in 2012 and I only added two new quilts that I started in the past year that are not yet completed (that's a nice way of saying sitting in a pile...)
New starts in 2012:
Swoon: I started this Jan 2012 and have about 4 blocks done and I will get it done this year!
Arcadia: This is a simple stripe quilt that I got started on for my bed but it got lost in the flag madness. It started with a jelly roll of Arcadia I had been hoarding and I added some coordinates to balance color. I want this on my bed late summer, early fall.
From 2012 list :

Rainbow Blocks: I started these April (2011), a late comer to Rachels quilt along. I have about 1/2 the color blocks still to go but I have the fabric ready to finish up. update: I did get some more done and have only 3 blocks left!

Chubby Stars: This one is TracyJay's quilt along that I started August 2010... ugh... The little chain squares are all cut of else I would have re purposed the fabric awhile ago. A finish on this one will be either completing it or re-using the parts for some thing else. update: I moved this from under the serger to the closet in the last year

American Jane blocks: Also started spring 2011, this is all American Jane fabrics from different lines that I have about 1/2 the blocks done.

36 patch: This is Crazy Moms quilt along from the summer of 2011 that I need more blocks completed to make into anything. update: Look for this soon! Top is done and it is getting basted, to be quilted today!!!

1/2 Square Triangles: I started this with plans to do 5 blocks per day and be done in a month... yep, that worked out well.update: nothing.. I may have done a block or two, but this is going to the front of the line, well second or third in line

Pinwheel Sampler: I finally got the top done but I still need to put together the backing and get it done. update: I can not believe I did not get this done... it just needs basting and quilting... maybe this week?

Hope Valley QAL: last.... this was Crazy Mom Quilts Round and Round QAL that I ran out of gas on... round and round, and I didn't want to make a twin, I wanted it bigger, so I need to review and get it done. update: I have a plan!

This Quilt Along was started in Feb 2010, but I am not sure when I joined in. I long since decided this was a life long project, but I would like to make some progress.
That's it, my list of UFO's coming into 2013. There are a couple I am excited about and hope to get done in the next couple of weeks, and a couple that I am still thinking 'what was I thinking'... and of course, I expect to start a new quilt this next week as well.
Arcadia: This is a simple stripe quilt that I got started on for my bed but it got lost in the flag madness. It started with a jelly roll of Arcadia I had been hoarding and I added some coordinates to balance color. I want this on my bed late summer, early fall.
From 2012 list :
Rainbow Blocks: I started these April (2011), a late comer to Rachels quilt along. I have about 1/2 the color blocks still to go but I have the fabric ready to finish up. update: I did get some more done and have only 3 blocks left!
Chubby Stars: This one is TracyJay's quilt along that I started August 2010... ugh... The little chain squares are all cut of else I would have re purposed the fabric awhile ago. A finish on this one will be either completing it or re-using the parts for some thing else. update: I moved this from under the serger to the closet in the last year
American Jane blocks: Also started spring 2011, this is all American Jane fabrics from different lines that I have about 1/2 the blocks done.
36 patch: This is Crazy Moms quilt along from the summer of 2011 that I need more blocks completed to make into anything. update: Look for this soon! Top is done and it is getting basted, to be quilted today!!!
1/2 Square Triangles: I started this with plans to do 5 blocks per day and be done in a month... yep, that worked out well.update: nothing.. I may have done a block or two, but this is going to the front of the line, well second or third in line
Pinwheel Sampler: I finally got the top done but I still need to put together the backing and get it done. update: I can not believe I did not get this done... it just needs basting and quilting... maybe this week?
Hope Valley QAL: last.... this was Crazy Mom Quilts Round and Round QAL that I ran out of gas on... round and round, and I didn't want to make a twin, I wanted it bigger, so I need to review and get it done. update: I have a plan!
This Quilt Along was started in Feb 2010, but I am not sure when I joined in. I long since decided this was a life long project, but I would like to make some progress.
That's it, my list of UFO's coming into 2013. There are a couple I am excited about and hope to get done in the next couple of weeks, and a couple that I am still thinking 'what was I thinking'... and of course, I expect to start a new quilt this next week as well.
what a lovely list of ufo's, hope you get some progress happening on them.