Saturday, January 5, 2013


I think about doing something different...
Really I do....
But every time I sit to quilt, no matter what idea I have in my head, the only think that seems right is to meander stipple.  I can go big, or small, or medium like this, but even if I start with something else I rip it out and go back to this... and watching NCIS, I seem to always have to be watching NCIS when quilting which is much easier now that I have a DVR and currently have 61 episodes saved to watch.
I wonder if I would do lines if I was watching Suits, or waves if watching Hawaii 5-0?  Burn Notice ends up in stipple too so  maybe that's not the contributing factor.


  1. Love your meander stipple, no matter what program you are watching ;-)
    61 episodes should get you going with your projects! I need to get some saved myself...

  2. Meander and me both, girl. 61 episodes, huh? You're going to get a lot of quilting done!

  3. Well, at least you are getting some quilting done and your stippling looks really good.
